
Pecha Kucha Vancouver: Jesse Savath

"If you want something in life you just have to try it." Director, photographer and founder of the film collective Salazar, Jesse Savath illustrates that aphorism by the example of his own evolution. The starting point was a complete lack of ideas. From there he shaped a successful career doing what he loves in a series of steps that often involved just showing up and figuring it out when you get there. From Pecha Kucha Vancouver.


  1. Nice one Jesse! I'm moving to Friday Harbor, Washingto to work for Sea Shepherd full-time! Will be in Van often and hope to see you soon. Congrats on this work....Deborah

  2. my favourite presentation of the night! cheers mr savath!

    thanks for shooting these Bruce! when you are able to put up my presentation let me know and i'll link your blog here! great to see all these archived here

    -jeff hamada
